系统科学与系统管理研究中心/学术讲座2019-06-04 12:55:00来源:华南师范大学评论:0点击:收藏本文
Professor Gui Qiquan from Wuhan University
2009年6月2日下午,武汉大学哲学学院教授、博士生导师桂起权教授在公共管理学院211讲学厅给我中心师生作了一场精彩的讲座,题目是“经济学方法论”。讲座主要围绕近来经济学方法论研究者D. Wade Hands的一本专著Reflection Without Rules而展开。
Gui Qiquan, Professor and Doctoral Tutor from Wuhan University, made an excellent speech entitled “Economic Methodology" on the afternoon of June 2nd, 2009 at Lecture Hall 211 in the School of Public Administration. The lecture centered on the monograph Reflection Without Rules by D. Wade Hands, a researcher of methodology in economics.