彼得·切克兰德 教授
系统科学与系统管理研究中心/主要的国际客座教授2019-06-04 14:18:15来源:华南师范大学评论:0点击:收藏本文
彼得·切克兰德 教授 Peter Checkland, Professor
英国管理科学家、系统科学家,兰卡斯特大学管理学院系统研究荣誉教授,软系统方法论的创立者。他曾任European Journal of Information Systems、International Journal of Information Management、International Journal of General Systems等杂志的编委。1986年任一般系统研究会(Society for General Systems Research)(现国际系统科学学会International Society for the Systems Sciences)主席。他的经典著作《系统论的思想与实践》(Systems Thinking, Systems Practice)影响很大,已被翻译成中文。为了表彰他在运筹学的哲学、理论和实践研究中的重要贡献,2007年被英国运筹学学会授予比尔奖章;2008年荣获国际系统工程学会先锋奖。
Professor Checkland is an Emeritus Professor of Systems Studies at Management School, Lancaster university, and Founder of Soft Systems Methodology. He served as editorial board member of European Journal of Information Systems, International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of General Systems and so forth. In 1986, he served as President of the Society for General Systems Research (International Society for the Systems Sciences). His major work Systems Thinking, Systems Practice is highly influential and has been translated into Chinese. In recognition of his contributions to the Philosophy, Theory and Practice of Operational Research, he was awarded the Beale Medal by the British Operational Research Society in 2007, and in 2008, he received the Pioneer Award of INCOSE.