

系统科学与系统管理研究中心/展望未来2019-06-04 15:15:26来源:华南师范大学评论:0点击:收藏本文




想象不是空穴来风,它把现实照亮,它让人理智地观察一个新世界,它通过预示令人满意的目标而使人保持对生活的热情。                        —— A. N. 怀特海

Einstein once said, “I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.” We are living in an era with rapid changes. A new dialogue is unfolded between human and society, human and nature, forming a complex relationship network. The Philosophy of Systems Science is just like a skiff, sailing in the torrents of the intricate time river, exploring the complexity of systems among individuals, society and nature.

The Systems Center will continue to focus on the local, keep a close eye on the frontier, exhaust all kinds of possibilities and embrace different types of things. With the mindset of both inheriting and innovating, it strives to make more important achievements in the following areas. The Center will continue to follow the forefront and trends of Philosophy of Systems Sciences and Complexity Management, strengthen cooperation and communication with domestic and world-renowned research institutions and organizations, realize major breakthroughs in discipline construction, reach the domestic leading level in the fields of Philosophy of Systems Sciences, Complexity Methods and Management, and become the academic center par-excellence in the related areas both at home and aboard. It aims to develop a talent-incubating mode with duo-focuses on teaching and conducting scientific research so as to enable our graduate students to reach the top level in China.

Just as Galileo who paved the way for Newton to establish the theory of simple systems, we are in the era of setting up the research outline and unified paradigm for the Science and Philosophy of Complex Systems, the "Galileo" era that requires the emergence of "Newton." This is our vision of the future and our ideal. The study of Philosophy of Systems Science and Systems Management is a field full of challenges and opportunities in this era. Let us take the dictum of Whitehead as our source of encouragement and strive for the emergence of "Newton" in Systems Science.

 “Imagination is not to be divorced from the facts. It is a way of illuminating the facts. It enables men to construct an intellectual vision of a new world, and it preserves the zest of life by the suggestion of satisfying purposes.”             ——A. N. Whitehead

