《复杂系统突现论——复杂性科学与哲学的视野》(范冬萍 著)
系统科学与系统管理研究中心/系统科学与系统管理丛书2019-06-04 11:10:54来源:华南师范大学评论:0点击:收藏本文
《复杂系统突现论——复杂性科学与哲学的视野》(范冬萍 著)
Emergence Theory in Complex Systems (Written by Fan Dongping)
This book explores and generalizes questions concerning the history and approach transform of emergence research, concept and classification of emergence, self-organizing mechanism of emergence, adaptive selection mechanism of emergence, reductive explanation of emergence, emergence and compliance, upduction explanation of emergence and other issues. It delves into the philosophical issue of emergence in Complex Systems from the perspective of the intersection between science and philosophy.