《心灵、语言与实在——对笛卡尔心身问题的思考》(陈晓平 著)
系统科学与系统管理研究中心/系统科学与系统管理丛书2019-06-04 11:14:35来源:华南师范大学评论:0点击:收藏本文
《心灵、语言与实在——对笛卡尔心身问题的思考》(陈晓平 著)
Mind, language and reality—Reflections on Descartes' psychosomatic problems
(Written by Chen Xiaoping)
The mind-body problem has been one of the hot topics in philosophical debates since Descartes. Based on an in-depth analysis of the contemporary western philosophy of mind, this book puts forward the "ordered dualism," which distinguishes itself from Descartes' "parallel dualism.” This book analyzes Frege's Theory of Meaning, the "Gettier Problem" and Tarski's “Truth" theory, and it probes into Kantian system of transcendental metaphysics with an attitude of critical inheritance.